Tuesday, August 01, 2006
About Me
- Name: Dan Rule
I hate/like to draw. I'm interested/apathetic in issues. Come see what my magical ambivalence creates! Be sure to check my Flickr account for more finished pieces. http://www.flickr.com/photos/danrule/
- Buy!>
- Lotte Klaver from Amsterdam
- Aiyoshi's Illusion - CHECK IT OUT!
- Computational Visual Cognition Lab
- friend IAN PEPPLE
- Threadless T-SHIRT Design
- v.a. DRAWN!
- eyes wide apart
- Long time no post
- Metronome Topiary
- Your Aunt is a...
- The Towel of a Hundred Dryings
- Darkness
- The possible reasons I continue to make "art"
- Full page
- E.T. from the Atari game that has been buried sinc...
- Starfish Prime explains when an artist should cons...
- My new baby
NON-ART related
Previous Posts